meets situational awareness and response capability
Private Estates | Close Protection | Local & International

Hospitality | Retail | Executive Offices
Entertainment |Lounges | Restaurants | Events

Private & Charter Schools | Commercial Offices
Churches | Synogogues | Government Facilities

Criminal | Civil | Corporate | Family Law
Surveillance | Bug Sweeps | Hostile Employee Termination

Introductory | Advanced | Live & Online
Workplace Violence | Terrorism

Broad Spectrum Security Analysis | Expert Witness
Integrated Training | Deployable Pragmatic Solutions

On-Site | Online | Hybrid | Inter-departmental Cross Training

AEGIS Security & Investigations specializes in high end, customer service focused security, investigative, training, and consulting solutions. Since our inception in 2007, our goal has been to meet and exceed our client’s expectations. We accomplish this by actively utilizing both internal and external active management techniques and focusing our services tuned to our clients’ hierarchy of needs, resulting in a high quality service our clients and employees appreciate and respect. We value professionalism, reliability, and prevention prior to reaction and implement field tested steps to avert incidents before they occur.
We accomplish these goals by integrating two main principles into every client relationship.

- We see many of the services we provide much like that of an insurance policy.
Take for example an auto insurance policy in which you carry the California state minimum limits of $15,000 for injury or death of 1 person per accident, $30,000 for injury or death of 2 or more persons per accident, and $5,000 for any property damage per accident. Having an insurance policy like this allows you to drive a car on the road, but in today’s litigious society, one accident and not only will the policy limits be exhausted, but you will be personally held responsible for every dime in excess.
Security services are very similar to insurance. It may make financial sense to contract at a reduced price for security services and hope you don’t get into an accident, but when you do, and just like car accidents, it’s bound to happen sooner or later, you want protection you can count on. AEGIS Security & Investigations provides only carefully screened, professional staff for every client contract. We do this because when that incident occurs, you’ll be counting on us to mitigate and respond in an effective manner.
- An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
There is a common misconception regarding security that police officers are the best choice. While that may be true for some, AEGIS Security & Investigations stresses prevention to our employees prior to reaction.
Police Officers are trained in the art of reaction. A call comes in, they respond, taking a report because the incident has settled, help resolve it once it has already started, or call for backup because it has gotten worse.
Quality security, investigation, training, and consulting services focus on preventing incidents from occurring and facilitating deployable response plans if necessary.
By the late 1960s, the U.S. Navy recognized that reaction time, firepower, and operational availability in all environments did not match the anti-ship missile threat. As a result, an operational requirement for an Advanced Surface Missile System (ASMS) was promulgated and a comprehensive development program was initiated to meet that requirement. ASMS was re-named “AEGIS” in December 1969 after the aegis, the shield of the Greek god Zeus. AEGIS was designed and developed as a complete system, capable of engaging in simultaneous warfare in the air, water, and on land. The heart of the system is an advanced, automatic detect-and-track, multi-function three-dimensional phased array radar known as “the Shield of the Fleet.” The high power Aegis shield is able to perform search, tracking, and missile guidance functions simultaneously with a track capacity of over 100 targets at more than 100 nautical miles.
This all-encompassing shield is the philosophy of AEGIS Security & Investigations. Utilizing a proactive and customer-centric management style, we are able to incorporate every resource available to fulfill our client’s security, investigation, training, and consulting needs. We effectively prepare our clients to face the security challenges of the 21st century by analyzing, evaluating, testing, and responding to current security and safety concerns.
To identify, meet, and exceed our clients’ security, investigation, training, and consulting expectations. Our goal is to provide provide a high quality service in partnership with our clients designed to build and maintain a comprehensive security program.
Prevention is stressed with our staff each and every shift. We use active observation including listening, looking, smelling, personal interaction and dynamic customer service to gauge and react to situations, hazards and incidents before they happen.
Pride in One’s Self: At AEGIS, we take pride in everything we do. That includes the interaction with each person we come in contact with, every time we put on our uniform, and every decision we make.
Knowledge and Experience: AEGIS employees use knowledge and experience to address each and every concern, issue, and grievance. We are realists. If we don’t know something, we ask for help and learn from the knowledge that we have gained.
Growing as a Team: Every employee is given opportunities to acquire additional skills through professional development, participate in business growth campaigns, and to grow develop strong interpersonal relationships. We work in harmony toward common goals marked by mutual respect, trust, enthusiasm, and commitment.
Prevention: What distinguishes AEGIS from other security contractors is that we strive to be proactive, taking steps to prevent unnecessary exposure to poor public relations, liability, and losses.
Communication: We are committed to listening and responding to feedback and promoting communication vital to the success of our organization and its strategic partnerships. We utilize active listening, observation, and interpersonal communication techniques to detect, report, and mitigate potential losses.
Contracting for guards may be less expensive when you take into account salaries, benefits, taxes, insurance, overtime, holidays, uniforming costs, and the costs of preparing and auditing payrolls. Other benefits to the client include more flexibility in the usage of manpower, not having to absorb the cost of recruiting, interviewing, investigating applicant backgrounds, or training.
Our security personnel are professionals operating at the same level most company’s supervisors. Requiring minimal direction, our staff efficiently and effectively provide a scalable full complement of security services tailored to meet our clients’ individual needs. No job too small or too big, each and every client receives the highest standard of service. With our staff’s combined background in private security, law enforcement, close protection, the military, and business, we can assure you we have your best interest in how we operate. We see many of the services we provide much like an insurance policy under the assumption that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
We deploy a full service web-based command and control system to train, dispatch, brief, monitor, and respond to our staff and client’s remotely. Supported by off-site operations managers and field operations supervisors, AEGIS performs at level that is more effective, efficient, and responsive than other security companies