
Comprehensive Training Solutions

AEGIS develops, delivers, and facilitates cutting edge training designed to amplify the effectiveness of individuals in their environments.

AEGIS provides instruction in workplace violence, active shooter, pre-incident indicators, and target hardening, in addition to licensing training for California state security certifications including the Guard Card, Proprietary Private Security Officer, and School Security Officer. Our training exceeds the industry standard by addressing real world issues in response to current events and trends. This responsiveness is how we differentiate ourselves in what we call, “The AEGIS Difference.” We design and implement programs based on our client’s hierarchy of needs.

AEGIS Security & Investigations specializes in high end, customer service focused security, investigative, training, and consulting solutions. Since our inception in 2007, our goal has been to meet and exceed our client’s expectations. Our goal is to provide a high return on investment by providing high quality, efficient, and effective services, exceeding our client’s expectations. AEGIS Security & Investigations is fully insured and is licensed by the State of California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.

AEGIS Security & Investigations is licensed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services to conduct and certify training required for application and on-going training of a guard card certification and the proprietary security officer certification. Guard cards required by every employee that performs contracted security services and acts as an authorized agent for the Private Patrol Operator and the contracted clients.

Basic Security Guard Training & Refresher Training Certification Course (8 Hours)

This course is available Online for individual students and Online/On-Site for in-house security teams.

This course is the security guard training basic power to arrest course, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction mandated by the Bureau of Security and  Investigative Services to qualify for a guard card. This security guard training course is given in a group format and is usually provided to companies that provide guard services or utilize in-house staff. Our course exceeds state mandated training to include additional modules we believe are necessary in the field. Modules include: introduction to the security industry, injury/illness/heat prevention training, sexual harassment training, workplace violence, powers of arrest, basic identification verification, basic pat down searches, basic restraining techniques, basic emergency management, terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction. This course as well as the additional 32 hours of security guard training required to be in compliance with the Business and Professions Code is offered online.

Full Security Guard Training Certification Course (40 Hours)

This course is available Online for individual students and Online/On-Site for in-house security teams.

This comprehensive security guard training course fulfills the Bureau of Investigative Services requirement for guards within six months of hire. Modules include: Introduction to the security industry, injury/illness/heat prevention training, sexual harassment training, powers of arrest, self defense for security professionals, advanced restraining techniques, report writing, communication, advanced identification verification, advanced pat down searches, utilizing equipment, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, and emergency management. In addition to the initial 8 hour security guard training course, the additional 32 hours of training required to be in compliance with the Business and Professions Code is offered online.

SB 1626 / SB 390 Requires school security training be completed by security officers working and assigned to schools in California. This includes all public schools and establishes a standard for charter school security programs, private school security teams, and private colleges and universities public safety departments.

All school staff tasked with managing or involved with a school security program will benefit from taking this online course.

This course is available Online for individual students and Online/On-Site for in-house security teams.

Proprietary security officer certifications are required by every employee that performs in-house security services. AEGIS Security & Investigations is authorized by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services to provide Proprietary Security Officer Training and Certification on behalf Proprietary Security Employers. The security guard training we provide mirrors the full service guard card certification, but condenses the program in order to be compliant with the BSIS mandated syllabus.

This course is available Online for individual students and Online/On-Site for in-house security teams.

These workshops are designed for individuals from the public and private sector and designed for pre-law enforcement response. The goal of this training is to establish a baseline reaction coming from the perspective of a potential victim to active shooter incidents, retrain the instinctual reactions, and offer practical solutions to countering threats. Participants will be required to in good health and to sign a liability and medical waiver prior to participating in workshops with demos.

How to Survive an Active Shooter Lecture – 1 Hour
Maximum Participants: 100
Participants will learn proven techniques on how to survive an active shooter taught by a security expert and professional instructor. This training is designed for civilians and private sector professionals to increase their personal resiliency and the likelihood of surviving an incident before the police arrive. Additional information regarding statistics pulled from FBI and related reports will be discussed to support developing the threat profiles for suspicious persons. Threat response topics include: how to escape during an incident, how to barricade and lock down, how to report to law enforcement, and how to fight back using improvised weapons, if absolutely necessary. By the end of the lecture, participants will have a thorough understanding of how active shooter incidents begin and evolve.

How to Survive an Active Shooter Workshop w/ Demos – 2.5 Hours
Maximum Participants: 50
The second level workshop includes the “How to Survive an Active Shooter Lecture.” In addition, students will learn how to deploy the concepts taught during their active shooter program in an environment that will test their skills and thought processes, challenging them to react faster under stressful situations. Participants will experience simulated scenarios in their own environment (school, workplace, etc) in which they will be forced to think on their feet using the tools and techniques they’ve learned to survive when the bullets start flying. This kind of training is as real as it gets.

How to Prevent and Survive an Active Shooter – 2.5 Hours
Maximum Participants: 50
The second level workshop includes the “How to Survive an Active Shooter Lecture.” In addition, case studies will be reviewed, prevention measures will be taught, and signs of impending violence will be discussed. Pre-planning, strong attention to detail, and environmental situational awareness is stressed. Additional information regarding statistics pulled from FBI and related reports will be analyzed to support developing the threat profiles for suspicious people. Included are immersive physical scenarios and table top exercises that test participants’ knowledge, understanding, and reaction to perceived threats

How to Prevent and Survive an Active Shooter Workshop w/ Demos – 4 Hours
Maximum Participants: 50
The third level workshop includes all of the above programs for prevention, reaction, and simulated response through active demos and is considered the gold standard program employers should provide to their staff in today’s world.

Executive Level Identification, Prevention, and Survival of an Active Shooter Workshop8 Hours
Maximum Participants: 20
The fourth level workshop includes all of the above programs while introducing topics including target hardening, crime prevention through environmental design, root cause analysis, and deployment plans. International and domestic terrorism as well as individual actors and lone wolf sympathizers are analyzed along with the eight warning signs of terrorism. This workshop is designed for top level directors and executives interested in adapting their current security programs to the prevailing threats in the world today.

Upgrade Demos to Live Fire Drills – (weapon, gear and role player)
Maximum Participants: 50

Online Active Shooter Training
1 Hour 

This program is modeled after our one hour live lecture +  live fire demo and has been expanded to include additional information regarding pre-incident indicators, workplace violence, and terrorism. It has been adapted for a unique immersive online delivery that challenges participants to make split second decisions that could be the difference between life and death.

Participants will learn proven techniques on how to survive an active shooter taught by a security expert and professional instructor. This online active shooter training is designed for civilians and private sector professionals to increase their personal resiliency and the likelihood of surviving an incident before the police arrive. By the end of the online course, participants will have a thorough understanding of how active shooter incidents evolve by interpreting their individual threat profiles.

Additional topics include:

  • Pre-incident indicators
  • Situational awareness
  • Workplace violence
  • Terrorism
  • How to escape during an incident
  • How to barricade and lock down
  • How to report to law enforcement
  • How to fight back using improvised weapons

Students will learn how to deploy the concepts taught during this online active shooter course in a simulated environment with gunmen that will test their skills and thought processes, challenging them to react faster under stressful situations. This kind of training is as real as it gets, particularly in an online format.

This online active shooter training is designed for individuals from the public and private sector. The goal of this training is to establish a baseline reaction as a victim to active shooter incidents, retrain the instinctual reactions, and offer practical solutions to countering the threat. Participants will be required to in good health and to sign a liability and medical waiver prior to participating in this workshop.

AEGIS Security & Investigations conducts group corporate security training and produces professional development workshops designed to enhance our corporate security training programs. Our instructors are professionals with education and experience in business, homeland security, criminal justice, psychology, licenses including Private Patrol Operator and Private Investigator, and certifications including Certified Protection Professional, Certified Forensic Interviewer, Certified Safety Professional, and Certified Industrial Hygienist.

Workplace Violence & Security Awareness
Duration: 2-8 hours

The cornerstone of our program is our workplace violence, security awareness, and pre-incident indicators program. This course is designed to provide information on how identify, predict, mitigate and respond to workplace violence, crime, and terrorism.  Case studies include employee termination, discrimination and sexual harassment to reporting suspicious activities, target hardening and threat management. This class will give the attendees the straight “scoop” on what to do and how to act. Statistical information regarding violent crimes in the United States is provided as an information source for understanding the rising tide of violence.

Introduction to Active Shooters
Duration: 1-8 hours

This 1-8 hour introduction is an overview of workplace violence and terrorism as relates to client sites for identifying  mitigating and responding to the active shooter threat. Our program will encompass the following:

  • Introduction and definition of active shooters and workplace violence
  • Overview of significant prior incidents as case studies and the pre-incident indicators to the acts
  • A review of situational awareness
  • Analysis of the potential M.O.s relative to the various environments
  • A guided discussion of the potential actions to take during an active shooter incident and the expectation of success in selection those actions
  • What to expect from the law enforcement response

Cross Training Employees With Security Best Practices
Duration: 4 hours

This 4 hour course provides an overview of security guard best practices, helping auxiliary employees act as force multipliers to enhance security both passively and when necessary.

Emergency Evacuation, Shelter in Place and Lock Down Drills
Duration: 2-4 hours

Designing and conducting emergency evacuation, shelter in place, and lock down drills for the purpose of policy and implementation improvement. Based on client need, the approach can be designed for an all hazards response or a specific response including but not limited to active shooter, explosive, chemical or biological agent, or natural disaster.

  • Does the course need to be completed at one time? No – the benefit of taking an online guard card course is that you get to complete it on your schedule.
  • How long do I have to finish the course? As long as you need – however, it is recommended you finish the 8 hour course in 2-3 days and the 40 hour course in 2-3 weeks.
  • How do I finish the process to get my guard card when I’m done? Print your certificate from the program, download and complete the LivesScan Form, get finger printed and submit your application to BSIS online. (see above for details)
  • I’ve been waiting! How long before I get my guard card? The State of California is historically hard to predict when it comes to processing times. You can receive it in as little as 7 days and as much as 2-3 months, if not longer!
  • I have a record… Does that mean I can’t get a guard card? The answer is, it depends. The state takes in to account your record on a case by case basis. If you have a record, you may get denied initially, but will have the chance to appeal before a board. There are cases of which people with felonies have obtained guard cards because they were able to show the board they have reformed.
  • How do I start? Click the link above to start your training today!
  • What do I do with my certificate when I am done? Simply print them out and give them to your employer as well as keep a copy for yourself.
  • What if I don’t pass a test? Don’t worry! The system will give you a chance to study and re-take the test!
  • Can I work as an independent contractor? No – only licensed Private Patrol Operators carrying general liability insurance may work as independent contractors.
  • Can I take a cash gig? No – taking a cash gig is the same as working as an independent contractor. You must be employed by a Private Patrol Operator security company.
  • Can I put together a team and sell our security services? No – only licensed Private Patrol Operators may contract guard services. You must be employed by a security company.
  • Can I work as a bodyguard? – No – only licensed Private Patrol Operators may contract bodyguard services. You must be directly employed by the client or by a security company.
  • What if I am a retired or off duty law enforcement officer? You may be exempt from certain training requirements, however to contract your services, you must be a licensed Private Patrol Operator. If not, you must be directly classified as a W2 employee by the client or work for a security company.
  • Is it okay to be an independent contract security guard, 1099, or accept cash jobs? See the answer here.

Completion of the online guard card security course does guarantee employment by Aegis Security & Investigations Inc. or does not constitute an offer of job. Workers regularly are solicited to have one or more years of experience notwithstanding finishing the online security preparing system and getting their guard card.

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