A high end jewelry store in Beverly Hills, California hires an armed security guard to deter robberies and thefts, protect the employees, and safeguard the merchandise. The guard’s job is to be visible and ever present, alert and attentive. He operates under the assumption that each passing person is a potential clients who must be treated with respect and professionalism. The guard can be the first impression a client has upon entering a business and the last impression they have when leaving. The combined power of being able to bring clients in, keep clients coming back, and secure people or property should only be left to qualified specialists.
Do you think this guard meets the standards set by the jewelry store, the Beverly Hills community, or the company he works for? I certainly don’t. It is for this reason that AEGIS Private Security carefully screens each security professional on our payroll. We spend extra time continuously following up with clients and monitoring our staff to determine their professionalism and effectiveness. We provide specialized on the job training to ensure our staff fits the setting for each and every client. We don’t believe in settling for a mediocre service.
AEGIS Private Security: Our mission is to identify, meet, and exceed our clients’ security, investigation, training, and consulting expectations.
Jeff Zisner
AEGIS Private Security
CA PPO #16744