On February 6, 2014, the SLS Beverly Hills hosted Wayne Hoover, CFI from Wicklander-Zulawski for a presentation on interview techniques. Wicklander-Zulawski is one of the private sector’s industry leading interview and interrogation techniques. Wayne Hoover has conducted thousands of interviews and interrogations for both the private and public sectors for WZ since 1991. He has also taught hundreds of seminars on Interview and Interrogation Techniques, both domestically and internationally and considered an expert in his field. Since Wayne has been employed at WZ he has become an Owner of WZ and the Vice-President of CFI Programming for the Center for Interviewer Standards & Assessment Ltd. which provides the certification process for to become a Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI).
Participants of this workshop are eligible for a 10% DISCOUNT to attend the 2-Day Interview & Interrogation Workshop on 2/19-2/20 & and the Advanced Workshop on 2/21 at the Ontario Airport Hotel. Visit www.w-z.com to register.
The second half of this workshop was overview of the current fraud and identify theft trends in the retail sector by industry expert Joe LaRocca, referencing recent events at national retailers. Joe LaRocca is a nationally recognized leader and public speaker on retail loss prevention, crime prevention and security and has served is the head of Loss Prevention for the National Retail Federation and Disney Stores.
Immediately following the workshop was be the Inaugural Meeting of the West Coast CFI Chapter, presented by the International Association of Interviewers. For more information on joining the International Association of Interviewers, visit www.certifiedinterviewer.com.
This workshop was brought to you in partnership with the Los Angeles Chapter of the FBI’s Infragard Member’s Alliance. Infragard is an organization managed by the FBI in partnership with local law enforcement and the privates sector for the purpose of information sharing, intelligence gathering and training industry stakeholders. For more information or to join Infragard, visit www.infragardlosangeles.org.
Lastly, big thank you to Michael from Coffee Bean for facilitating this great opportunity and to Nelson from the SLS for his continued dedication and support of our mission. Without partners like you, Infragard Los Angeles wouldn’t be known as the leading group across the country.
If you are interested in sponsoring a future training, have a venue capable of hosting 100+ attendees, or have questions or feedback, feel free to contact me directly.
Jeff Zisner, CPP & Infragard’s Commercial Facilities Sector Chief