AEGIS Security & Investigations has launched online and live RESPONSIBLE BEVERAGE SERVICE (RBS) training in accordance with CA ABC standards. The California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control mandates standards licensees and servers must adhere to while involved in liquor sales and service.
ABC has been known to look positively on bartenders and servers who use best practices accepted mandated ABC. With the end goal of licensees avoiding liability issues or to receiving less invasive punishments, RBS training is considered a preventative best practice. If there is an issue, licensees must provide an RBS certificate from an approved program for the server/bartender included in the incident at the time of Notice of Violation interview. RBS training must have been effectively completed preceding the date of violation(s). Generally, alcohol licenses have reported being suspended for as 5 days for first time violations when they have a current RBS program. Habitual offenders may have their licenses revoked.
Acting as a responsible beverage service server doesn’t just help dodge the administrative actions on behalf of ABC, but it also helps avoid crimes resulting from liquor sales and service as well as civil litigation. Nearly every action that is in violation of the business and professions code and ABC statutes is a misdemeanor punishable by both fine and jail time. The civil suits avoided by an effective RBS training program include law suits by patrons, local law enforcement, and from other employees/staff as well as the venue.
Module 1: Laws, Policies, Rules and Regulations
Module 2: Criminal and Civil Liability
Module 3: ABC Administrative Actions
Module 4: Health and Safety Information
Module 5: Server Responsibility including checking IDs and how to prevent and respond to over intoxication
Module 6: Final Exam & Certificate Download
AEGIS Security & Investigations also offers guard card training, security, investigation, and security consulting services. Experience the AEGIS Difference.