Threats Against the Jewish Community


Threats To The Jewish Community

A briefing on alarming trends, active shooters, terrorism, prevention, and response

Thursday, August 28th, 2014 ::: Check in @ 8am ::: Seminar 8:30am-12:30pm
Cost: FREE

American Jewish University’s Gindi Auditorium 15600 Mulholland Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90077
Free parking is on site

Does your organization have an emergency plan?
What are the warning signs of an active shooter?
Have you used the resources made available?

Brussels, Belgium: Jewish Museum – May 24, 2014
Kansas City, Kansas: JCC – April 13, 2014
30 Major Anti-Semitic Incidents in 2014 – ADL
2001-2012 66% of hate crimes were against Jews – FBI Crime Report
The SPLC lists California as having 77 Active Hate Groups

Many experts say that “lone wolf” sympathizers influenced by the group’s messages pose a bigger threat. – NBC News

The goal of this workshop is to provide valuable information to prevent, prepare, respond and recover from active shooter threats, the most likely threat to our community today.

Most active shooter events are over in ten minutes or less, so the response to such an event is critical.  Seconds count in saving lives.  Our goal is to promote awareness of safety issues in relation to an active shooter event and empower the school to rapidly and effectively respond to the emergency.

Speakers include:

Elan Carr
LA Deputy District Attorney
Major, US Army Reserve

Sgt. Cathrine Riggs
LAPD Training Unit

Jason Periard
Dir. of Community Security
Jewish Federation of LA

Matthew Friedman
Associate Regional Director

This workshop one of a kind and not to be missed! REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.