Inside Edition: What to do if you are the victim of a car jacking? – Featuring AEGIS’ President & Security Expert Jeff Zisner

Featured on the February 10th, 2015 episode of Inside Edition broadcast nationally, AEGIS’ President and Security Expert was interviewed on air on what do  if you are the victim of a car jacking. This was in response to a wild police pursuit through Los Angeles on the 9th, in which the suspect had multiple accident and vehicle hi-jackings. As a security expert, Jeff Zisner is tasked with evaluating and assembling plans in a variety of settings. In this instance, Inside Edition’s Jim Moret asked how to prevent and respond to a hi-jacking attempt.

Prevention is the key to not falling to the victim of a car jacking, whether it’s an initial auto theft or in the midst of a police pursuit, you always need to be aware of your surroundings. Listen for sirens, crashes, or yelling. Use your mirrors and stay alert. Would be car jackers are typically looking for an easy mark. Keep your doors locked at all times and your windows rolled up when you are in traffic or at a red light.

If you see a potential suspect approaching you, you have only one of three possible decisions to make. The first is to step on the gas and get away. Trying to drive away should only be done if you have a clear exit strategy. The second is to fight back. Both of these options should only be implemented if you have a reasonable expectation of success. If you don’t have a clear exit strategy or are trained and confident with self defense tactics, there is only one remaining option. Give up your car. The suspect is looking for a way out and you are safer if they take your car without you in it.

Any of these scenarios unfold quickly and you need to have a plan in place before they do. In one security expert’s opinion, doing so may save your life.