What would you do if you found a wallet? Take the money and ditch the credit cards? Keep the wallet – it is kind of nice? Would you leave it there? Or just check for an ID and turn it in to the police? For some people, other people’s belongings are of little concern. Not for our longtime Security Officer Jimmy L.
The other night — one that was rainy and cold — Jimmy was starting his patrol of a client site with a daytime population of over 3,000 people. As the rain began to pour, he noticed something on the ground. At first, it didn’t seem like anything interesting, but when he picked it up he realized it was of great value. In the middle of the main parking lot, Jimmy had found a wallet with several credit cards, a driver’s license, and a few other treasures that would delight an identity thief.
Jimmy didn’t recognize the name on the license, and he didn’t find a phone number to contact anywhere among the cards. So, he took it upon himself to alert the wallet owner’s bank.
The conversation went along like this:
Jimmy: “Hi, I’ve found a wallet for one of your customers. Can you help me get in touch with this person?”
Bank rep: “I’m sorry, we can’t provide any information.”
Jimmy: “No, I understand that. Can I leave you my information, and you call your customer with that so the person can get in touch with me?”
Bank rep: “I’m sorry, we don’t do that. Why don’t you turn it into the police station?”
Jimmy had had experience with this before and had turned in wallets to police stations. The trouble was that he couldn’t be sure the person would get their wallet back. He wanted to make sure that this person, someone who was at our client’s, received their lost belongings.
After getting off of a graveyard shift at five in the morning, he took it upon himself to make a special trip. Travelling more than 30 miles past his home, Jimmy walked up to the wallet owner’s door and hand-delivered it. The owner was ecstatic and very grateful. The owner also happened to be the Executive Director and head honcho.
We found out about Jimmy’s story from the client who called our President directly. They called to give Jimmy accolades and thank us for providing the site with guards as considerate and dedicated as he is.
From all of us at AEGIS, thank you, Jimmy, for your hard work and dedication to our clients.