Are you experiencing a 24/7 “security issue”? Would you know if you were? When we think about security, we tend to think of the extremes — theft, shootings, terrorism. The reality is, there are more problems than the “big ones” that individuals and businesses encounter on a daily basis that can utilize a physical security presence to eliminate.
AEGIS Security & Investigations is a Los Angeles based security company that is licensed and insured in the State of California to provide high-end armed and unarmed security officers who are trained to observe, report, and ensure the safety of you and your property.
Security officers are able to communicate from their sheer presence as highly visible individuals in the area is under surveillance. When you have officers for a 24/7 commitment, you have an officer walking the premises, watching the entrances or driving the perimeter signal to the community that the area is protected. This will deter trespassers and ensure the safety of those on the property.
The primary issues we have found businesses and individuals alike face are vagrants, trespassers, graffiti and theft. These reasons are why you should consider 24/7 security in Los Angeles.
Contracted security officers often encounter trespassers and the homeless in the course and scope of their duties at client sites throughout Los Angeles. The Los Angeles County homeless population has spiked 23 percent in the last year to nearly 58,000 people. Of that, over 42,000 are not in shelters. For the security sector, this means an increase in property protection and rule enforcement.
Security officers’ primary responsibility to the client means they are obligated to inform vagrants and other potential trespasser when they are trespassing on private property. Officers should respectfully inform potential trespassers as to where they are and why the cannot remain there. This should be done by citing code and by asking them to leave the premises.
The second responsibility that is inherited by security officers is to the homeless people they encounter. While they are obligated to ask trespassers to leave, there is a unique need with homeless people to offer help. Officers should keep in mind that this group of people literally have nowhere to call home. Thus, working with law enforcement to offer them various local resources where they can seek shelter can quickly de-escalate a potential problem.
You may think that your current staff can handle this issue, but the reality is they are not trained to handle security issues. Vagrants may become hostile — either verbally or physically — and may refuse to leave. Calling 911 is an option for anyone encountering trespassers, but this issue is not necessarily an emergency for the police department. They will respond, but it will not be urgent. Having a security presence that repeatedly handles the issue of trespassers and vagrants is more likely to reduce the problem for your company.
AEGIS Security & Investigations officers are well-versed in working with the homeless population of L.A. Because of work across the county, we understand the need to ensure our clients’ property is protected while treating the homeless population with care and consideration.
Additionally, the LAPD has several task forces throughout its divisions to help work with the homeless population and point them to the resources they need. Contacting their emergency line may be a quick solution to an immediate issue, but calling their central line, (310) 444-0702, is more likely to yield the results your officers need on-site when a homeless person refuses to leave.
Other types of trespassers
For some clients, the issue of squatter or unwanted guests is a pressing security issue that requires 24/7 security. With use of companies like Airbnb, and FlipKey, the reality of unwelcome guests is more present than you might think (see more here).
So, what is a host to do? For a start, consider how a security presence insists upon all parties to stick to the agreement made through the peer-to-peer company.
Adding in a physical security factor, like a security officer posted outside whenever guests are renting your home, can deter them from making your home their own. Many homeowners and apartment managers have begun contacting security companies to provide an ongoing presence to deter theft. Working with a skilled and accountable professional security company name owners can rest assured that their property is adequately secured.
There are a few central tenets of being a security officer that ensure they are the best option to combat potential crime at your location. Their duties and responsibilities include remaining visible in or around the property or person, remaining vigilant to be able to respond quickly and efficiently in an emergency, observing and reporting all activities (particularly those that are out of the normal), and enforcing safety policies from the client. This presence will certainly deter people from having unauthorized parties, staying past their scheduled check out time, and keeping your property under watch.
Should an emergency or criminal activity occur, security officers are the first line of response. Additionally, a security officer has the right and the responsibility to ask trespassers to leave the property, place disorderly and unlawful perpetrators under citizen’s arrest, and take actions within their scope of certification to ensure the safety of the property or person. Trespassers may include short term renters who don’t leave at their scheduled check out.
Los Angeles is known for graffiti, whether it’s considered art or law-breaking. Taggers target empty buildings and abandoned sites, but they sometimes get a thrill out of tagging a place they know their work will be seen.
Nighttime gives graffiti artists the perfect cover to hop fences and tag on walls, especially if there is no security presence. As such, increasing your physical security presence with on-site officers or patrol cars is likely to deter them. Like the issues your business or home may encounter with vagrants, a tagger trespasser is a common reason we have clients ask for enhanced security services.
Remember, a security officers number one priority is to observe and report. If the trespasser is identifiable, security officers can report them to management and to local law enforcement. Additionally, the provide a physical presence and voice to inform trespassers that they are on private property and are unauthorized to approach. 24/7 monitoring of a facility with this unique problem is likely to reduce trespasser presence over even a week, but it does need to be maintained to prevent the problem all together.
When you are going on vacation, leaving lights off, not having your car out front, or letting mail and newspaper clutter build up are all signals that the house is open to burglars. However, if you leave a car in the driveway or have an automatic light system come on for a few hours in the evening, it appears that someone is home, decreasing the likelihood of burglary. The effect is amplified dramatically with decoy patrol car parked in front of your home. A patrol car is a clear sign that a security officer is nearby and on-call (even if they’re). And at a lower rate than having an active or standing patrol, parking a decoy patrol car in front of your home or business can save you hundreds of dollars a day.
In addition to decoy patrol cars, AEGIS’ estate security officers are top-notch. They are well-versed in how to monitor estate perimeters and identify suspicious activities and persons. Additionally, we analyze the size and placement of the property to place security officers and upgraded security systems in strategic locations throughout, allowing us to accurately maintain a secured perimeter. The choice to utilize a security guard ensuring you are dedicated to fully securing your estate.
For individuals with lots of assets and valuables, AEGIS Security & Investigations provides temporary patrol car rentals with the car parked outside your home and guard services.
An additional need for home security requiring 24/7 patrol services is fumigation security. Read more about AEGIS’ fumigation and tenting security here.
Like home security, vehicles are easy access for burglars. Because they are smaller, they are even larger targets. There are simple things you can do like avoiding leaving things of value in your car (especially if they are visible) and closing your garage door at all times, but having your vehicle on the street near an apartment complex is something you should discuss with your landlord.
Streets next to apartment buildings are public property; however, having an increased presence at points of access in such a complex is likely to deter criminals. Because a security officer can not only see the potential thief but also warn him/her that 911 is on the way if they don’t leave, your property is safer. That sheer presence of someone watching the region is often enough to stop criminals in their tracks.
In the end, security officers for 24/7 patrols are a great option.
The adage “see something, say something” goes a long way in deterring suspicious activity and preventing attacks. When individuals report who, what, when, and where there is an out-of-place occurrence and can tell law enforcement why is suspicious to them, those agencies are better able to stop crime. If you are uncertain of what looks suspicious, hire someone who can tell you.
Security officers are trained to not only spot suspicious people and activities but also investigate incidents enough to know when it is time to contact law enforcement. AEGIS’ officers are additionally trained in customer service protocols that make them ideal candidates for professional work spaces. Adding a physical security team to your corporate site will enhance your ability to report concerns and events to local authorities.
In essence, hiring a security professional or team for patrol can be critical to your infrastructure, whether it is for a private home or a corporate office building. At AEGIS, we value our clients and aim to meet and exceed their expectations. We specialize in high-end, customer service-focused security, investigative, training, and consulting solutions. We are able accomplish our goal of exceeding your expectations by actively utilizing both internal and external active management techniques and focusing our services tuned to our clients’ hierarchy of needs. We value professionalism, reliability and prevention versus reaction, and we implement field-tested steps to avert incidents before they occur. AEGIS is fully insured and is licensed by the State of California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.
AEGIS Security & Investigations is a Los Angeles region company that is licensed and insured in the State of California to provide high-end armed and unarmed regular and temporary off-duty police officers, bodyguards, security officers, loss prevention agents, and event staff. We provide a broad spectrum of home security consulting services. Additionally, we offer services for private investigation, consultation, people tracing, and background investigation. Our trainings and workshops in the field of security licensure and counter-terrorism have been featured in news media and are renowned for their efficacy. For more information or to contact us, visit